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Amplify Life's Policies & Procedures


Dear Parents, Caregivers and Clients,


We have some high priority policies we need our clients and families to review. Please know that all our policies are designed to keep our program quality high, maintain staff ratios, and ensure client safety. Thank you in advance for helping us run smooth programs.


Please review the following programming policies and updates:


Cell Phone Policy

  • Cell phones are not allowed during programming unless for emergencies or for those who need phones to communicate. Watching videos, playing games or social media is not allowed during Amplify Life programs, unless we have specific times set aside for those activities.

  • This policy is intended to maximize the social interactions our clients get at programs, to improve social and communication skills. We want to increase the likelihood of making friends and building relationships; all while improving engagement within the community.

  • Cell phones are to be kept in pockets during our program time, unless there is an emergency, or when coordinating pick up with caregivers. After three reminders from our staff, clients will have their cell phone taken away for the remainder of the program. It will be returned to them at the checkout area during pick up.

  • Please reach out to staff if you are picking up early. We want to limit interactions via text, so that staff knows what is always going on. We strive to ensure safety, and communicating with staff will ensure that our safety goals are met.

  • Please speak to your client and reinforce our cell phone policy before our next program they will be attending. Thank you for supporting the skill building and community reinforcement aspects of Amplify Life that are so important to our mission and the people we serve.


Signing in and Out of Programs

  • All clients MUST be signed in and signed out of our programs by the parent or caregiver. There can be no exceptions to this rule.

  • We know how hectic the check-in area can get, but for your client’s own safety, this procedure must be followed.

  • When a client is not signed out, it causes serious issues for Amplify Life and for other clients. Signing in and out ensures that we know exactly when we have participants in our care. Thank you for helping us ensure the safety of all our clients!        


Registration for Programs

All clients must be registered in advance of the program they are attending.

  • We will not be able to accept clients in programs that they are not registered for. We base our purchases, food, crafts, and number of staff required at each program on our registered count. Clients who are not registered will be turned away from programming, and we DO NOT want this to happen, so please register in advance.

  • Clients should be registered for programs through their CampBrain account. As a reminder, you can register and pay by credit card or debit card before the program. It will make check-in a smoother process if payment is made in advance. If you are having trouble with your CampBrain account, please call or email us so we can help you.

  • Please DO NOT bring cash to check-in, unless it is the EXACT amount that the program costs.

  • Please keep an eye on your email several days before our scheduled program for program updates. Drop off and pick up times are subject to change. You will only receive these email updates if you are registered for the program. Please reach out to staff if you are unsure about your client’s registration, instead of assuming your client is registered and bringing them without required registration. We appreciate your flexibility!



Cut off Times for Registrations

  • We are implementing a new program registration cut off time and will be closing program registration the day before the program. This is to ensure we have the proper supplies, staff, and volunteers ready for the final number of clients.

  • You MUST speak with office staff regarding late registration. Without that verbal confirmation for a late

registration, please DO NOT bring your camper to the program hoping we can fit them in.



Drop Off & Pick Up

  • Please respect the program times. We are working in the office from 10:00AM to 4:00 PM on most program days. Drop-off times may vary for each program; however, please do not drop off without signing your participant in, and seeing a staff member or volunteer.

  • Dropping your camper off early in a public area could possibly put your participant in harm’s way if left alone.

  • Please make sure your participant is picked up at the end of the scheduled time, so they are not left waiting. Those who are late for pick up without any notice will be charged $10.00 every 15 minutes past pick up time.



RTC Access

  • If you are using RTC Access to pick up a client for a program, you MUST schedule the bus to arrive 30 minutes BEFORE the program ends.

  • We understand that the RTC schedule gives a 30-minute window, and we request that you schedule pick up 30 minutes before the program ends. This is for the safety of our clients and staff.

  • Due to the safety of our clients and staff, we WILL NOT be waiting outside of the facility for the RTC Access bus. Per the RTC Access Handbook, drivers are required to wait 5 minutes and assist riders. RTC Access drivers WILL NOT drive by and leave, without waiting the required 5 minutes for the rider to get onto the bus.

  • If you are going to use RTC Access for, drop off and/or pick up from Amplify Life, please use the following description and information to help the driver find their rider:

  • Amplify Life is on the Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services Campus.

  • Address: 480 Galletti Way Bldg. #2 Sparks, NV, 89431

  • Description: White building with Green Trim.

    • Glass doors are facing west of building #1

    • Classroom doors are facing east, toward SRC.



No Call No Show Policy

  • We work hard to schedule and create programs for our clients. As stated above, we base our ticket purchases on food, supplies for programs, and available seating in the vans. When a client No call-No show, it negatively impacts our organization. Parents and caregivers will be responsible for program fees after a No Call-No Show. We cannot accept Regional Center money to pay for a No Call-No Show program. Failure to pay for the program will result in a temporary ban from future programs until program balance is paid.



Camper to Counselor Ratio

  • Our staff to camper ratio of 1:4 provides a safe and fun program experience for everyone. We factor in group dynamics and social skills to provide our campers with the best possible opportunity for both personal growth and an enjoyable program experience.

  • Due to our 1:4 ratio, we do not have the staffing to support a staff to participant ratio of 1:1. If your participant has a 1:1 aide at his/her school or needs 1:1 support, we require that your child come with an adult that can support him/her during programming. This ensures safety for all participants and staff.

  • Amplify Life bases their staff according to the 1:4 ratio that we have set in place. Due to limited staffing and volunteers, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate a 1:1 ratio.



Boundary Policy

  • Please keep in mind that our office hours typically run Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm.

  • Staff are not always available, as we run errands throughout the day, and/or we are in the middle of programming. Please be patient with us, as we are an office of four.

  • Staff will not respond to messages left on our personal cell phones or social media.

  • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about Café Canteen or Physical Health, please reach out to Taylor (, our Employment & Life Skills Coordinator.

  • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about Friendships & Dating or Friday Programs, please reach out to Kennedy (, our Program Coordinator.

  • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your CampBrain account, SRC, or financials, please reach out to Sheena (, our Office Manager.

  • We ask that you respect the boundaries that we have in place, because we are not always able to respond when we are away from the office.



Behavior Policy

Amplify Life has the right to send a participant home for poor behavior. The safety of our participants, staff and volunteers is the utmost important. Below are examples of behaviors that will not be tolerated.

  1. Behaviors that involve aggression

  • Any physical harm to others or self (hitting, biting, kicking, spitting, grabbing others, throwing objects)

  1. Behaviors that are inappropriate or crude

  • Touching others, touching self, cursing, inappropriate sign language, not keeping hands to self, or not respecting personal boundaries.

  1. Behaviors that involve eloping

  • Running away, not sticking with the group, or hiding.

If your participant has been in trouble with the law, or suspended from their school, please bring this information to our attention.



Substance Abuse Policy

Amplify Life prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverages without authorization; use or possession of illegal and/or unauthorized drugs and drug paraphernalia; and providing alcoholic beverages to minors while on Amplify Life property or at Amplify Life-sponsored activities, and (2) being under the influence of a controlled substance, including alcohol, while on Amplify Life property or at a Amplify Life-sponsored activity and the exhibiting of offensive behavior while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances.



Weapon-Free Policy

To ensure that Amplify Life maintains an organization that is safe and free of violence for all clients, volunteers, families, and employees, Amplify Life prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on the organization’s property. Dangerous weapons can include, but are not limited to; firearms, knives, pocket-knives, or any other sharp weapon that can hurt a client, staff member, and/or volunteer. To further ensure a safe working environment, weapons of any type, including, but not limited to, knives with a 3-inch blade or longer, fighting weapons i.e., nunchucks (Nunchakus), daggers, etc., brass knuckles and stun guns are strictly prohibited.




** SAFETY IS AMPLIFY LIFE’S NUMBER ONE PRIORITY. We want to ensure the safety of all participants, volunteers, and staff.


Thank you again for your partnership!




Your Amplify Life Team

~ Jessica, Kennedy, Taylor & Sheena


480 Galletti Way, Bldg. 2

Sparks, Nevada 89431

Mail: PO Box 7178

Reno, NV 89510

(775) 827-3866

Office Phone (Main)

©2019 by Amplify Life. Proudly created with

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