A Nonprofit Organization · Serving Teens and Adults with Disabilities Across the Lifespan Since 1973
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If you are visiting our website for the first time, WELCOME! -- To find out more about our services & organization, hover over the "Home" tab, and click on "New to Amplify Life?".
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I register for your organization?
To get started with our organization, we first have an in-person new client intake. To schedule this, use the link below to pick a date that works best for your schedule.
2. Do you have a counselor to camper ratio?
Our staff to camper ratio of 1:4 provides a safe and fun program experience for everyone. We factor in group dynamics and social skills to provide our campers with the best possible opportunity for both personal growth and an enjoyable program experience.
Due to our 1:4 ratio, we do not have the staffing to support a staff to participant ratio of 1:1. If your participant has a 1:1 aide at his/her school or needs 1:1 support, we require that your child come with an adult that can support him/her during programming. This ensures safety for all participants and staff.
Amplify Life bases their staff according to the 1:4 ratio that we have set in place. Due to limited staffing and volunteers, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate a 1:1 ratio.
3. How do you get volunteers?
We recruit volunteers from UNR and TMCC. All volunteers are required to go through a background check and fingerprinting process before they can attend Amplify Life events/programs.
4. What programs do you offer? When are they held?
** All days and times are subject to change **
Mondays -- Café Canteen from 9:00am to 11:00am
Tuesdays -- Friendships & Dating from 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Wednesdays -- Physical Health from 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Thursdays -- Friendships & Dating from 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Fridays -- Social & Recreational Programs from 4:30pm to 7:00pm
During Washoe County School District breaks (fall, spring, and summer) we host a prevocational and job skills camp for students ages 14 to 22 with an IEP.
During the third week of July (Sunday to Friday), we hold an overnight camp for our campers at Grizzly Creek Ranch. This is a program we were created from, called Camp Lotsafun.
5. When is your office open?
Office staff are generally in the office from 9am to 4pm.
Our office is closed for every WCSD, state, and federal holiday.
Staff run errands and has meetings outside of the office. There are days that we will not be in the office during our regular business hours.
6. How do I volunteer with Amplify Life?
To volunteer, please reach out to the Program Coordinator (kennedy@amplifylife.org) to get more information.
All volunteers will have to get a background check and go through the fingerprinting process.
Our Program Coordinator will send volunteers forms that require a signature.
Volunteers will also get training before starting at Amplify Life.
7. Who do you serve?
We serve teens and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.
Diagnoses of our clients include but are not limited to:
Autism, Down syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity, processing disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, Cerebral Palsy, traumatic brain injuries, and various intellectual disabilities.
In addition to their primary diagnosis, 61% of our beneficiaries have a secondary diagnosis such as asthma, blindness, psychiatric conditions, Muscular Dystrophy, seizure disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and speech disorders.
8. Do I have to pay for programming?
Yes. All clients must pay for the program(s) they attend. Prices vary for each program or course they register for.
9. How often are programs running for?
Café Canteen -- Fall, winter, and spring
Friendships & Dating -- Fall and spring
Physical Health -- Fall and spring
Social & Recreational (Fridays) -- January – May & September – December
WORKS! Camp -- WCSD fall, spring, and summer break.
Camp Lotsafun -- Annual summer camp - typically held in July
10. How do I get someone to participate in Camp Lotsafun?
Camp Lotsafun is done through online registration only.
If you have someone that would like to participate in Camp Lotsafun, they MUST be an established client of Amplify Life before they can attend.
Our new online registration is done by an application process.
Once applications are submitted and the deadline has passed, staff will review applications to ensure they are a safe and healthy candidate for Camp Lotsafun.
11. What are the ages of the people you serve?
Our clients’ ages range from 14 years old and up.
Amplify Life does not age out.
However, there are specific programs that have an age limit.
12. Can clients use RTC Access to and from programs?
Amplify Life does not provide transportation; however, clients can use RTC Access to and from programs.
If you are using RTC Access to pick up a client for a program, you MUST schedule the bus to arrive 30 minutes BEFORE the program ends.
We understand that the RTC schedule gives a 30-minute window, and we request that you schedule pick up 30 minutes before the program ends. This is for the safety of our clients and staff.
Due to the safety of our clients and staff, we WILL NOT be waiting outside of the facility for the RTC Access bus. Per the RTC Access Handbook, drivers are required to wait 5 minutes and assist riders. RTC Access drivers WILL NOT drive by and leave, without waiting the required 5 minutes for the rider to get onto the bus.
If you are going to use RTC Access for, drop off and/or pick up from Amplify Life, please use the following description and information to help the driver find their rider:
Amplify Life is on the Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services Campus.
Address: 480 Galletti Way Bldg. #2 Sparks, NV, 89431
Description: White building with Green Trim.
Glass doors are facing west of building #1
Classroom doors are facing east, toward SRC.
13. Do you have a No Call No Show Policy?
Yes! We work hard to schedule and create programs for our clients. We base our ticket purchases on food, supplies for programs, and available seating in the vans. When a client No call-No show, it negatively impacts our organization. Parents and caregivers will be responsible for program fees after a No Call-No Show. We cannot accept Regional Center money to pay for a No Call-No Show program. Failure to pay for the program will result in a temporary ban from future programs until program balance is paid.
14. Who do I contact for programming?
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about Café Canteen or Physical Health, please reach out to Taylor (taylor@amplifylife.org), our Employment & Life Skills Coordinator.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about Friendships & Dating, Friday Programs, or WORKS! Camp, please reach out to Kennedy (kennedy@amplifylife.org), our Program Coordinator.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about your CampBrain account, SRC, or financials, please reach out to Sheena (sheena@amplifylife.org), our Office Manager.